Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a great organization that provides a platform of information on introducing and including skills necessary for our students to learn. The framework for Learning in the 21st Century is setup nicely. The focus is on core subjects, 21st Century Content, Learning and Thinking Skills, ICT Literacy, Life Skills,and 21st Century Assessments. I am happy to say that my state, Ohio, has this implemented into the curriculum. I am a strong advocate for eTech as well as ITSCO. These are funded programs through the state to help advocate 21st Century Skills in education.
I agree with the majority of what Partnership for 21st Century Skills represents. I have an issue when it comes to the 21st Century Assessments. I wholeheartedly believe that students should be tested, but not by standardized tests or even state/national mandated tests. I think students should be assessed by their performance and in class assignments - projects, papers, portfolio, notebook, etc. I think that students feel pressured by standardized test or the mandated tests because if they do not do well, there are consequences like not graduating. Now I am not saying school should be a breeze and students should get passed through the system. There are lots of factors that can cause a student not to do well on a standardized test.
My students have a better understanding of the 21st Century Skills because my state is involved with this organization. However, I do feel that there should be brought to the attention of educators. In some schools this does not seem to be a priority and the resources are being wasted away. As an educator, I need to do a better job of staying up to date on the 21st Century Skills and making sure that I implement them in my classroom.