Throughout this course, we have developed, changed, adapted and now reflecting on our GAME Plans. When we were first presented with the GAME Plan, I was not really for it or against it, I just was not for sure how it was going to work for me or my students. Now after having been through it and seeing the possibilities of the GAME Plan, it is really something that everyone does at some point in their life. This is just an actual way of writing it out and putting it into action. When coming up with my goals for the NETS-S, it was quite easy after reading through them and seeing where my strengths and weaknesses were. After the GAME Plan was wrote and put into motion, I had issues with getting the initial involvement I needed to reach my goals. My main issue was with the parents of my students. Most of them were not interested in getting involved in the classroom, so I needed to adapt and change some things up.
The biggest thing I take away from the GAME Plan is when we set goals and set out to accomplish those goals, our path my go in a different direction then we first anticipated. We have to be ready for a curve ball or ready to adapt at any time. This is something I have always tried to do, but honestly I have to admit that I fail at this a lot of the time. I tend to get frustrated and upset if things do not go the way I plan, and really hit my head against the wall--not really--but still try to get them to work the way I want them too. So from this I realize I have to adapt and overcome the obstacles that are placed in front of me by taking a different route around those obstacles.
I have learned some new ideas and ways for technology to be integrated into my classroom. In reading our course text and looking at the different content areas, I have been "reborn" in a sense of becoming creative in my lessons and looking at different ways to collaborate with other teachers in other departments. Immediate adjustments that are being made to my instructional practice is the continuing process of utilizing new and advancing software and digital tools. I want and need my students to be able to know how to use the latest digital tools because it will only help them be better in their chosen field. I also am going to continue to show my students how the GAME Plan can be effective for them with their goals.
Reflecting is an important part of every one's lives. As we look in the "mirror", we need to really think about what we see and if we actually like what we see. If not, it is time to change things and make them better. We need to be examples for our students and everyone else around us. For me, I need to let my students see me being a lifelong learner and continuing down the path of learning. Here is a quote I thought I would share about being a role model for your students.
"You are in charge of your feelings, beliefs, and actions. And you
teach others how to behave toward you. While you cannot
change other people, you can influence them through your
own behaviors and actions. By being a living role model of what
you want to receive from others, you create more of
what you want in your life." -Eric Allenbaugh-
So remember, someone is always watching and paying attention to what you are doing. The question is, Do you have your GAME Plan ready?