Saturday, June 12, 2010

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

This course has helped to reiterate my technology skills. The first week of classes we were to find three or more resources. In doing researching and finding my three resources, I was opened to a whole new network of teachers and technologies that can be incorporated. The assignments we were given, allowed me to reflect on what I knew of the subjects, but then branched out to provide me more information on the subjects.

The teaching and learning process is something that is continuous. We are constantly learning and teaching each other. Each person brings their own experiences to the table and I have learned that we have so much to offer each other. In order for our students to be able to compete in the 21st century, we as teachers need to be able to provide them the skills to do that. We need to be on top of our game and stay in tune with where the workforce is headed be able to branch the working world with the education world.

I have never really been a teacher-centered person. I feel like students should be the ones in control of their learning. I myself am a hand on learner and need to be doing activities to understand information better. I prepare lessons keeping that in mind and allowing my students to have access to all kinds of technology, books and other resources that will help students learn. At the same time I do have an understanding that sometimes we have to have a teacher-centered approach. I do my best to limit that as much as possible, but do incorporate it when needed.

It is important to have a support system of colleagues and a network of teachers that we can bounce ideas back and forth. I am constantly researching the latest technology and looking at how I can use it in my classroom. In my state there are two big tech conferences that I attend. At the conferences we can talk with reps, attend workshops and communicate with other educators with the focus being on technology in the classroom.

The first goal I would set is to incorporate Mouse Mischief by Microsoft. Mouse Mischief integrates into a PowerPoint, allowing educators to create interactive presentations that engage the students. Each student has their own wireless mouse, so that they can answer multiple choice questions and even draw on a shared screen. Mouse Mischief helps actively engage students and supports collaborative learning. It allows for improvement in classroom management and student participation. It is user friendly and free to download. With this goal is the cost of wireless mice. I am currently working on getting these incorporated into next year’s school budget. So far I have received support from most administrators but waiting on the final approval. If all goes well this goal will be checked off by the start of the next school year.

My second goal is to make my classroom completely accessible online. There are several school districts in my area that are taking some classes to being taught online. In two years time, I do not think that this is completely realistic, but I can make an exception or an amendment to this goal. I want to ensure that all my classroom material is accessible online. This includes posting lectures, notes, assignment instructions, rubrics, announcements and other material that is important for students to have/know. I have done some of these things with a couple of my classes, but have yet to incorporate it in all of them. This can be achieved through the use of a blog, wiki and even podcasts. All of these I intend to use and incorporate at one point or another. There is some obstacles that I will need to overcome. This includes the hesitation of administrators, safety issues--who can access the information,what information is put out there, and what sites and resources can be allowed on our school network.

After going back and looking at the checklist from week 1, so far one of my answers has changed. When I first did the checklist, everything was marked as Often except for three things. I have changed in regards to Participating in developing a vision for technology integration and communicate the reasons for using technology across the curricular areas. I have talked with my school principal and director of technology on getting the word out to our teachers about the different things that we can do to incorporate into the classrooms. I found out that most teachers do not incorporate technology into the classroom because they do not know how to use the different programs and equipment. I asked if we would be able to setup some training on these programs and equipment. They agreed that we could make it happen but would need help in getting things put together. Beginning in August, our school district will be training teachers on the different programs and equipment that they have access to use in their classrooms. My team tech teachers will be helping to train the staff, as well as the Director of Technology and the Technology Assistants.

The course has helped develop my technology mindset. It has opened up some outlets for me to look at and also helped to give me a voice to support my school district in moving towards the technological light.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Profiling the Students of Today

For this assignment, I interviewd three students. To prep my students, I create a Google Form.

I had my students fill out the form so that we could write a script of what they were going to say because we were on a time crunch for getting things done as it was the last week of school. After we wrote the script, my students used a digital recording device. I then imported the audio into Camtasia. I spliced and cut the audio to format it to what I wanted. I did the whole process of creating my podcast this way because I felt it was much more efficient. I also felt that if I just let my students talk, they would all be over five minutes each, making it harder for me to meet the time requirement.