"Please make your hypothesis now." One of the most hated sentences I heard while in school. I hated having to make my own hypothesis. I mean what happens if I had a stupid hypothesis, or for heaven's sake if I was incorrect. Now that I am in the teacher's shoes, I love watching the faces of my students when I say that, of course it does not happen all the time, but when it does it is funny to see.
Constructivist Theory entails that students generate knowledge through their experiences or add on to preexisting knowledge due to accumulation of data. In our resource, "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works" we read about "Generating and Testing Hypotheses". In this chapter we learn about six different tasks that teachers use to generate and test hypotheses and the different technology applications and software that allow us to do this. The six tasks are: "System Analysis" "Problem Solving" "Historical investigation" "Invention" "Experimental inquiry" and "Decision Making" (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn & Malenoski, 2007).
Spreadsheets can be used in all classes to input data that has been collected. I took an Agricultural Class where we had to take samples and survey different things. In order to keep track of the information and to see the changes over the course of time, I kept a spreadsheet of all the information. At the end of the course, I was able to see the different changes in crop rotations, output vs input, and be able to create visuals like graphs.
We can also become creative and use data collection tools like a microscope. I myself have not come up with a way to utilize this in my class, but I am sure others will. Most of my students would collect data through the use of surveys, interviews, and research.
Technology has allowed us to generate hypotheses, research, collect data and ultimate test those hypotheses. The more we learn, the more ways I find how technology has and can be integrated into the classroom.
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.