As I inch closer to my goals, I feel pretty good about how I have developed my GAME Plan and continued on with it. Growing up, I was always told that every action had an equal or opposite reaction. The actions that I have taken to help meet my goals have been successful, helpful and at the same time frustrating. I have been able to talk with my mentor teacher and other colleagues about different assessments that they use in their classroom in regards to technology. They have really helped me and furthered my interest in learning new software that will help aid with that. With my second goal, collaborating with students, peers, parents and community members, I have had some struggles. Some people are interested and others just simply are not. Those that are interested do not have the time right now. So I have kind of stalled out for the time being. After my spring break, I am going to contact some schools in the state and ask if they would like to collaborate on a project.
I have learned a great deal. I think the biggest thing that I take away from this, is that when we set GAME Plans into motion, we need to prepare ourselves and be ready to adapt and change the GAME Plan when it is needed. New questions have arisen throughout the process and have led me to different areas that I did not think about before.
I feel that I still need to learn that this takes time and is a process. I am a person who generally likes things to happen as fast as they can. When I set a goal, I am pretty determined to make that happen, especially when it comes to education. Unfortunately sometimes things do happen--collaborators not having the time or people not being interested in collaborating--and I just need to remember to take some time to think things through and evaluate when necessary.
At this time, I feel that my GAME Plan for collaborating with others will probably not take place until next year. To fit my current needs, I need to focus on getting plans in place and being prepared for that. My goal for varied assessments does not really need to be adjusted; I need to put all my learning and research into action-using it in the classroom.
So from everything that has happened so far, the most important thing is to be prepared. Here is a link to a video that will remind you to Be Prepared.