Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stop the Bull -- Voicethread



  1. I was going to make a comment on your voice thread but all the other stuff you have going on, on your blog, made your voice thread very small. I could not figure out how to enlarge it. So my comment goes here instead.

    You raise a very serious issue. I always wondered where the bulling police were when I was a kid. I got picked on a lot when I was in 4th grade. That and 3rd grade were the worst years of my life. But God, not the administration came to my aid, and during the summer between 4th and 5th grade I grew to a whopping 6'2". The height I am now. Being a 5th grader at 6'2" the bullying stopped and I even stopped a few bullies myself. Thank you God. The doctor thought I was going to be over 7' but that did not happen. I am still just 6'2". Thanks for taking on such an important topic.

  2. Sorry about not being able to post on my voicethread. The link is underneath the video, but you have to copy and paste it. Thanks for commenting!
